Friday, March 24, 2017

Path of Discipleship

As a relatively small denomination the PCA does not often garner a lot of national headlines. This week was an exception though as Princeton Seminary reversed course and decided to withdraw an honor that they had intended to bestow on well known PCA pastor and author Tim Keller. Pastor Keller was on track to receive the annual Kuyper Prize for Excellence in Reformed Theology and Public Witness – named after the former Dutch Calvinist theologian and Prime Minister of the Netherlands. But the decision was reversed based on public backlash and the fear that awarding Keller with the Kuyper award might “imply an endorsement” of Keller’s complementation views regarding headship in the church and the home.

There are many observations to made in the wake of this decision, you can read a couple of the more interesting here or here.

My purpose for mentioning this today is simply to observe that we live in a complex world of ideas. Inevitably the path of discipleship will demand that opinions we hold will, at times, be unpopular. In some cases we may even face the type of exclusion that Pastor Keller has faced this week. One of the things that I have always appreciated about Pastor Keller is the grace with which he takes criticism. He wrote about it a while back for the Gospel Coalition. Here again, in the face of what I would call an “unjust” reversal, Keller has agreed to keep his speaking engagement at Princeton, even without receiving the award. A very gracious response.

Of course the challenges that we face are always going to be in line with what our Savior faced during his earthly sojourn.

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