Friday, July 13, 2018

See you on the dance floor.

Tonight as the Big Band plays, I expect we will see some really young kids out on the dance floor. Maybe we will also see some folks out there who danced to those tunes back in the 1940’s when they were first popular. Some of those guys could probably teach us some moves!

What a delightful image of the church -- gathering together, enjoying good music, out on the same dance floor -- the tiniest of tinies together with the oldest folks in our church family.

Isn’t it marvelous?

When we gather together to worship this Sunday, look around you. Find some kids. They’re the ones standing on their chairs during the songs so they can see the worship leaders. They’re the ones crinkling packages of fruit snacks during the sermon. They’re the ones waving the colorful flags during the closing song.

This is just as it should be.

This is the church. This is the body of Christ.

Each Sunday morning as a church body all the generations gather together, worshipping and soaking in God’s word. Some of us are still and quiet, some of us wiggle and ask questions. And all of us are on the same dance floor together.

~ Debbie Bukovietski

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